New Amsterdam surf association X Sistersjanssen


New Amsterdam surf Association





For the teaser-campaign ceramic artist and mother of the two sisters Helen Martina created one of her signature art pieces: De dikke dame, that represent the source of creativity and womanhood for the two sisters. She turned it completely silver to give it that NewAmsterdam touch of steel. 

‘’ Our mother taught us almost everything we know about creativity and womanhood. She is one of the reasons we started sisters Janssen which made her signature art piece a perfect symbol for this (woman focused) collaboration’’- Sisters Janssen

‘ Blending sisterhood with Brotherhood through a wave of colors and shapes’

For the campaign, the sisters Ziarah and Tisja showcase their sisterhood by blending their bodies as one, while the NewAmsterdam brothers, team riders, and creatives at heart showcase their brotherhood. The bathing suits are made with one of Econyl’s sustainable recycled nylon fabrics.  The scarfs are 100% silk. Both are available on the website of Newamsterdamsurfassociation.


Both New Amsterdam and SistersJanssen who have been friends for some time now are all about collaborating with friends and family. So, it comes as no surprise that the two joined forces to create their first limited edition woman’s piece: A bathing suit painted by SistersJanssen & designed by NewAmsterdam. This collaboration is a fusion of the sisters feminity, which brings colors and shapes & NewAmsterdams surfing side, which brings water and waves.

click here for numéro

Our Friends & Family shoot 

The Event

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